Friday, October 25, 2013

When Life Hands you a Lemon...

Things in life never go as planned, which is why I try to be a free spirit. Wherever life takes me that day, that's where I'm going. I try not to argue with's easier that way. When life hands me a lemon, I make lemonade (corny I know). But I think it helps to manage a lot of stressful situations....Get a flat tire on my way to work..."Welp, maybe there was a traffic accident I was meant to avoid." Try and find the positive in every situation, that's how I try and live life. Today, was no different. I went to the hospital to have labs drawn and later met with my oncologist. After, I catch her up on my life for the last two weeks, she proceeds to tell me the plan for next week. "Your neutrophil count is low (part of white blood cells). So, we may have to push your chemo back a week." I'm usually the one that asks a question I don't necessarily want the answer to but I need to know..."How low is low?" "Well, it came back at 500, and we like to see you at 1500, which is normal. We like for you to be 1500 before you start your next chemotherapy cycle." Now, some people may gripe and complain about chemo being delayed, some may be excited to get another week off. I was both happy and annoyed, go figure. Of course I want to continue with my treatments, the sooner I start, the sooner I can get them over with. On the other hand, my college homecoming is this week and I was already not excited about missing missing chemo next week means I could possibly attend more festivities. Yay!! I get to see all of my friends, eat great food, and maybe even get to drink a glass of wine...or 2! See where my priorities are? Lol, no but on a serious note. Either way I'm OK. Monday morning, I will go have my labs drawn and depending on the results I may or may not have chemo. Situations like these you just have to accept either situation. Find the good in everything, that's my motto. Don't get me wrong I have my, "eff the world" moments, but I always come back to my optimism. It helps to keep me sane when the rest of the world wants to throws shade my way.

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