Monday, October 21, 2013

Learning to Listen to My Body

This past week has been pretty rough for me. It was my first week of rest after chemo and my body was doing all kind of crazy things. Well maybe not "crazy" per-say but I definitely went through a lot of different changes. The weekend after I finished chemo I was sooooo exhausted. I tried to get as much rest as I could but it was so hard for me to get any sleep. I'm taking quite a few medications and one in particular is a steroid which is what contributes to my insomnia. When I tell you I have a few medications, what I really mean is, I have something for EVERYTHING!! I have two different medications for nausea which I take around the clock, and a steroid. But wait there's more...I started having the worst indigestion ever known to man  so I have some Zantac for that. I also bought some Tums for immediate relief (YES it's THAT serious) Then one of the meds started causing me to itch so I got some Benadryl, which I was also hoping it would help me get some sleep but that was a joke. By Tuesday, I requested a prescription for something to help me sleep so now I have something for that. I'm sure I left something out but you get the point. 

So, I haven't been able to sleep, I have indigestion, starting to get acne really bad (a side effect of one of the meds I'm sure), my torso and arms are sore, as if someone beat me up, my scalp is now sore, and my body is exhausted. Needless to say, I spent the first week adjusting to all the madness. I had to learn to listen to my body and try not to do too much at once. For example, the first day I had energy, I decided to go for a bike ride. I probably made it to the stop sign before I realized what a terrible idea that was. A mile into it, I was so tired and my heart was beating so fast I didn't think I was going to make it home. Yeah so I won't do that again smh. By, Friday I finally got a routine down to help conserve energy throughout an entire day. We'll see how my routine changes as I continue with my treatments. So, far I believe I'm managing pretty well. 

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