Friday, September 27, 2013

I Can do This

My boyfriend, Mike, flew out to Houston to help me drive back to NC. After 20 hours of driving, eating bad food and listening to every new album out, we finally made it home. It was early Sunday morning and we were both exhausted. I was welcomed home by my family but most importantly my mom. I scheduled my appointment with a gynecologist oncologist (gyn onc) for the following day at Duke University Hospital. Duke was recommended to me by a few people. Not to mention they have an award winning cancer center. I met with an amazing woman, Dr. Paula Lee. Dr. Lee reviewed my medical records in which I had previously faxed to her and began discussing my plan of care. For the most part, she agreed with what I was told by my doctors in was inevitable. During my appointment, my mother asked her if she felt that the tumor was cancerous. Dr. Lee kindly responded, "I don't want you leaving here today thinking you have cancer." She went on to describe every scenario and "what if" question I could possibly have. She explained that in addition to removing the tumor she would have to remove my right ovary and Fallopian tube. She reassured me that I would still be able to bare children with my remaining ovary and Fallopian tube. I was excited to hear this news because it was always in the back of my mind. Dr. Lee stated that during surgery she would send my tumor to pathology for a preliminary screening. If at that time the preliminary result came back as no cancer then she would stitch me up and send me on my way. However, if the preliminary report came back as cancer then she would have to insert a port (used for chemo) so that I may follow surgery with chemotherapy. This last detail left me a little uneasy but this was probably the first time I felt like, "I could do this."

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