Friday, September 27, 2013

A Basketball?!?

DAY OF SURGERY!! I was surprisingly very calm. I just wanted this thing out of me!! I nick named the tumor, "my little alien baby." Guess I should back up and explain how this came about... Reason number 1: when I returned home I showed my mom and aunt the pictures from my CT scan and MRI. As they were trying to decide where the tumor was and how big it was, they began seeing things....yes seeing things. They started saying, "Look there's a bunny!," "Oh wow it looks like a wolf or bat." I was like seriously guys stop talking about my organs -_-....Now reason 2: During my appointment I spoke of in my previous post, one of  Dr. Lee's colleagues described all of the possible tumors it may be. One in particular stood out, teratoma. A teratoma is an encapsulated tumor that can contain tissue or organ components. She stated that there have been some instances where they have found bone, teeth or even hair in the tumors. I repeated to myself, "teeth and hair, GROSS!!" Yea so that's how I came up with "alien baby." I did not want some foreign thing to keep growing inside of me; causing me to pee all the time and making look as if I'm 4 months preggers      -__-

I was as ready as I could be for surgery. I was mentally ready and I had my family with me for support. One minute I was going under anesthesia and the next I was awake and in recovery. I woke up very groggy and hazy. God only knows what crazy things I was saying. I just remember two things; the tumor was benign (YAY) and it was a big as a BASKETBALL!!

Below are pictures comparing my 2pack ;-) with my alien baby. Keep in mind these pictures are only about 3-4 weeks apart. Not the best angels but you can get the idea of how much the tumor had actually grown.
1 Week prior to surgery

Teddy and I about 3-4 weeks prior to surgery
My bday 2pack :-)

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