Monday, December 30, 2013

Stage Fright

When I first started this blog, I had no idea how many people would actually read it. In my mind, I am just putting my thoughts in writing to help release whatever I'm going through on that particular day. So when I was contacted by motivational speaker, Jai Cook, to speak at her event appropriately titled, "Time to Do You," I was pleasantly surprised. Jai reached out to me via Instagram (the power of social media) and asked if I would be interested in sharing my story. Without hesitation I agreed and later thought to myself, "what did I just agree to?." It's so much easier to share things on my blog or to post videos and pictures on Facebook or Instagram...but to tell my story in person, in front of a group of people is another story.

Meeting Jai helped to ease my mind and calm my nerves, as she has such a beautiful spirit.The first time I actually met her was at the event. Like most of us she comes from a difficult past, which you would never be able to tell from just looking at her. I thought to myself, "If Jai has come from such a troubled past and she did not allow herself to become a victim of her past...then I should be able to tell my story with no problem." I spent the afternoon listening to speeches from such inspiring women, while in the back of my mind praying that I wouldn't get on stage and freeze!

My moment finally came, "...introducing Crystal Bailey." I slowly walked up to the stage, trying not to trip and fall  in front of everyone in my 6 inch heels. I get to the podium, stand tall, and look out into the audience noting everyone's blank stares..."Good evening everyone..." Ok, that wasn't so bad. After a few shaky words and nerves came out, the words just began to flow out of my mouth like I had done this a million times before. Blank stares turned into attentive listening and I knew that I was reaching people.

After my speech, the event soon ended. People began coming to me, thanking me for sharing my story. Some offering prayers and giving me hugs, others shared personal stories of how cancer touched their lives.It was then I knew then that my nerves and reservations about public speaking were irrelevant. I was able to empower and educate others just by telling my story, which was truly a blessing to me. A young woman approached me and shared with me that she was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and would soon be undergoing a double mastectomy. All I could do was hug her. I saw myself in her and I immediately felt her pain. In some strange way I felt as if my hug would take away her pain. If only hugs were that powerful, I would speak in every city around the country until I was able to hug any and everyone going through life's challenges.

 Jai and I 
Visit Jai's website for upcoming events

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